Friday, August 25, 2006

The glory that is fountain soda

So, I'm totally addicted to soda. It's my favorite thing in the whole world and I can't get enough of it. I drink it all day and all night and never ever get sick of it. But the very best is fountain soda. Even more specifically, Cherry Coke fountain soda. Man, it's delicious.

As you're all aware, I'm on this stupid Jenny Craig deal which obviously doesn't include cherry coke fountain sodas on the menu. What it does include, though, is diet soda. I can have as much diet soda as I want. (The consultant said that approximately 367 times.) And believe me, I do! I drink diet sunkist, diet 7-Up, diet pepsi, diet coke, diet dr. pepper ... BUT IT IS NOT THE SAME. While I don't full out HATE diet soda, I must admit, I don't really like it. The aftertaste is horrendous and joy that I get from regular soda is just not found in these sugar-free cans of grossness.

For as long as I can remember, I've been told that I would lose so much weight if I just knocked out the soda from my diet. Apparently, it's the devil. I've heard it's bad for your teeth and can make rust literally disintegrate. ("Just think what it's doing to your stomach!" say all the haters.) And, do you remember Sammy from Days of Our Lives? I think she's still on the show actually. Anyway, as we all know, she was a bit heavier back in the day. (Which during college, when everyone is a bit heavier, was weirdly reassuring.) But then all of a sudden she lost a bunch of weight and now she's small. (Small, with a big head, but still, she's small). ANYWAY, , I came across an article with her and she credits her weight loss to increased exercise and ELIMINATING SODA FROM HER LIFE. She too was addicted but she beat it. And now she's small.

Sammy was always really annoying, wasn't she?

I can't wait I'm off Jenny Craig and have a cherry coke fountain soda. I'm so OVER this diet pepsi.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm soooooo with you on this one! This is the story of my life. Cut out the soda, blah, blah, blah. Fountain soda (coke) oh how I love you so.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you tried any of the zero calorie regular sodas with splenda? (i have not.) i suggest an investigative report.

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is HILARIOUS mainly b/c all of your comments about Sammy are right on.

7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the sugar that is the devil. How was that zero calorie soda you left in the bathroom of the airport?

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fountain d-coke (as i like to call diet soda) is pretty good. If you get a Mc.D-Coke it almosts tastes as good as regular!

9:05 AM  

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